Ashwini Ayurvedic Medical College Courses

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Ashwini Ayurvedic College Courses

Ashwini Ayurvedic Medical College Courses is designed to give students the fundamentals of Ayurveda education and training. Ayurveda is science of self-healing and as such the course requires that students undertake it in that spirit. It involves both theoretical and practical learning in order to make students understand the essence of this ancient healing tradition.

BAMS Course
Padartha Vigyan And Ayurved Itihasa Agadtantra, Vyavahar-Ayurved Evum Vidhivaidyak
Sanskriti Dravyaguna Vijnan
Maulik Siddhanta Evum Astanga Hridya Rog-Nidan
Kriya Shareera Swasthavritta
Kayachikitsa Prasuti Tantra Evum Stri Roga
Panchkarma Kaumarbhritya Parichaya
Shalya Tantra Charak Samhita (Uttarardha)
Shalakya Tantra Research Methodology And Medical Statistics
PG Course
Ayurved Samhita & Siddhanta Roganidan Evum Vikriti Vigyan
Rachana Sharir Chhaya Evum Vikiran Vigyan
Kriya Sharir Kayachikitsa
Dravyaguna Vigyan Manovigyan Evum Manasroga
Rasa Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana Rasayan & Vajikaran
Agada Tantra Evum Vidhi Vaidyaka Panchkarma
Swasthavritta Prasuti Evum Stri Roga
Kaumarbhritya-bala Roga Sangyaharan
Shalya -Samanya Shalakya - Netra Roga
Shalya - Kshar Evum Anushastra Karma Shalakya – Danta Evum Mukha Roga
Asthi Sandhi And Marmagat Roga Shalakya- Shiro-nasa-karna Evum Kantha Roga

How many departments does Ashwini Ayurvedic Medical College have? There are 14 departments and each has its own museum. They are:

  • Department of Shareera Rachana.
  • Department of Shareera Kriya
  • Department of Samhitha & Siddhanta.
  • Department of Dravya Guna.
  • Department of Roga Nidana.
  • Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana.
  • Department of Swasthavritta.
  • Department of Agada Trantra
  • Department of Prasooti Tantra & Stree Roga
  • Department of Koumarabhritya
  • Department of Kayachikitsa
  • Department of Panchakarma
  • Department of Shalya Tantra
  • Department of Shalakya Tantra.

Duration for BAMS is 4.5 years including one year compulsory internship. Students interested for Ashwini Ayurvedic Medical College Admission should know that BAMS have 100 intakes. For MD/MS courses, each have 5 intake capacity.

Ashwini Ayurvedic Medical College

For further details on Ashwini Ayurvedic Medical College Admission visit IESOnline.

BAMS fee is Rs 28,590 for the first year
Each MD/MS course accepts 5 students.
UG and PG courses are offered in various specialities.
The duration for Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery is 5.5 years
Seat intake of the Bachelor course is 100

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