Reviews are given by the students, alumni, various educational magazines, newspapers, etc. Below are some of the Atreya Ayurvedic Medical College Reviews given by the students in the college website:
The central library has more than 11,000 books like traditional manuscripts and the most recent editions of books of reference. It has subscription to subject related periodicals, e journals, e-books and more than 300 academic databases with accessibility on student computers within the campus. Furthermore each department has one department library with reference books and periodicals related to that particular specialty.
The college has a dissection theatre, modernised physiology laboratory with essential equipments pharmacognosy laboratories in the division of raw drugs and prepared medicines, a pathology laboratory, etc for study purpose and conducting research.
It has a practical training section and a bulk manufacturing section that is equipped for manufacturing of Tailas (oil), Ghritas(ghee) and Churnas (powders) and also for convenient learning of herbal and herbo-mineral preparations for students.
Each department has its own museum equipped with more than 500 specimens categorised and preserved for study purpose.
The herbal garden has a range of Ayurvedic herbs for study purpose and also used for various therapies.
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