A total of 167 colleges are there in Bangalore. Among them 144 are private colleges and 23 government colleges in this city.
The fee structure for the government college is comparatively less than those of the private colleges. On an average the college fee ranges between 1 Lakh to 6 Lakhs for BBA in Bangalore. The course fee is tentative for the prescribed year in every college. The top BBA Colleges in Bangalore have designed and developed the fee structure as per the industry standards and university guidelines.
All the colleges have a separate department designated for the deposition of course fee. In general, the course fee includes the amount for:
Maximum of the colleges charge the hostel fee separately. The BBA Colleges in Bangalore have a very transparent and flexible fee structure.
The BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) course is a 3 year duration intensive program.
The fee structure (in Lakhs) for some of the top colleges is as follows:
College | First Year Fee |
Christ University | INR 2,23,000 |
Alliance School of Business | INR 3,00,000 |
GEMS B School | INR 95,000 |
Dayananda Sagar University | INR 1,71,000 |
PES University | INR 2,20,000 |
GIBS Business School | INR 1,53,333 |
CMR University | INR 1,00,000 |
Kristu Jayanti College | INR 1,10,000 |
Mount Carmel College | INR 1,15,000 |
Christ Academy | INR 75,000 |
NMIMS | INR 1,70,000 |
ISME | INR 2,10,000 |
IFIM | INR 1,70,000 |
The above fee structures for the colleges have been developed considering the convenience of the student community. Several colleges have provisioned the installment option to support the development needs of the students. The BBA Colleges in Bangalore also provides plethora of scholarship opportunities to the students with extraordinary talent in academics, sports and various other curricular activities.
The top colleges in Bangalore provide financial aid in the form of scholarships, awards and loan to meritorious and deserving students in academics, sports and co-curricular activities. Below are some of the aids provided by some management institutes:
BBA Colleges in Bangalore Admission Contact +91-9513999525.
To know more about the Admission Process in BBA Colleges in Bangalore call us at +91-9743277777