Christ Law College Fee Structure

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Christ Law College Fee

Christ Law College Fees is designed considering the contemporary industry standards and the quality of the services offered by the college. The college is committed to excellence and easy access to highest quality legal education at a competitive tuition rates for residents and non-residents of Karnataka and international students.

The Law College, based in Bangalore, is administered via the CMI (Carmelites of Mary Immaculate). It is a premier educational institute dedicated to student excellence and has succeeded by leaps and bounds in the educational field. Students from every caste, language, religion and creed are encouraged in being a part of this college. The university strives in attaining a holistic development via creative growth process and healthy interaction.

Christ University Law BBA LLB Fees

Christ University Law College Fee Structure
Year Karnataka Students (INR) Non-Karnataka Students (INR)
1 2,10,000 /- 2,30,000/-
2 2,10,000 /- 2,10,000 /-
3 2,10,000/- 2,30,000/-
4 2,30,000/- 2,50,000/-
5 2,30,000/- 2,50,000/-

Christ University Law BA LLB Fees

Christ University Law College Fee Structure
Year Karnataka Students (INR) Non-Karnataka Students (INR)
1 1,80,000/- 2,05,000/-
2 1,80,000/- 2,05,000/-
3 1,80,000 /- 2,05,000/-
4 1,90,000/- 2,25,000/-
5 1,90,000/- 2,25,000/-

Christ Law College Scholarship programme has a numerous and generous option for financial aid for meritorious and need based students. The office of Financial aid and Scholarship is set up to provide financial aid and awards to the meritorious, financial weak and deserving students. There is also instalment facility for students who can’t pay their fees in one instalment. They need to fill a prescribed form available in the Office of Admissions. There are three types of Scholarship -merit based, financial assistance and alumni association scholarship. Awards are also given on the basis of excellence, proficiency and co-curricular activities.

Hostel: The hostel of the college has well-furnished residence hall for the students to focus on the comprehensive development and provide a homely stay. Mess facility is not available but the student can access the facility of the cafeteria and other eateries present in the campus. The college offers hostel accommodation on first-come-first-serve basis. The hostel grounds are Wi-fi enabled and other than that the students are given numerous facilities like gym, group study hall, common kitchen with microwave and induction to warm food, library and 24-hour security.

Christ University Law Hostel Fees

Christ University Hostel Fees for 2020-2021:

  • Jonas Hall (Female Students): 43,000/- to 86,000/- (depends on the sharing)
  • Christ Hostel Block A, B, C (male students): total payment 73,0000/-
  • ST. Kuriakose Elias Hall (male students): 38,000/- to 52, 318/-
  • Christ Hall- BGR (male students): 45,356/- to 52,318/- (only triple and twin sharing)
  • Devdan Hall- Kengeri Campus (male students): 40,326/- to 60,386/-
  • Christ Hostel -Kengeri Campus (female students): 43,350/- to 49,368/-

Christ University Law Admission is not only open to students from different parts of the country but also Middle East and Mauritius. The course offered are approved by the Bar Council of India. Selected applicants must be aware that it is a provisional admission which is subjected to university rules. During admission process applicants must follow the eligibility criteria as laid by the Admission Office. The original documents of the previous qualifying exams are mandatory and without these documents admission will not be processed.

For further details on Christ University Admissions visit IESOnline.

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