Ramaiah Institute of Legal Studies Admission procedure has been structured by following the rules classified by the Bar Council of India. Academic inputs provide a strong knowledge base, but the process of converting knowledge into planned results need skills. In order to ensure that students are effectively employable in a highly competitive environment, academic knowledge should be augmented by state of the art skills. The institute focuses on developing these skills. These Value Added Courses will prepare the students to be competent and ready to deploy managers to the industry and corporate. RILS courses are unique and designed to enable and enhance the students connectivity with the theoretical exposure learnt in the class room to real world situations, courses will be imparted exclusively for all the students having obtained admissions at MSRF.
Documents Required
The ramaiah institute of legal studies fee structure will be clearly explained to the students and parents at the time of admission. Every course has a separate fee structure based on the number of semesters and subjects included.
Admission to the course shall be made strictly on the basis of the merit percentage by taking into account of the total marks obtained in the qualifying examination. While making admission to the course reservation policy of the Government of Karnataka governing is taken into consideration. No college or department of studies in law is authorised to provide education in BA LLB / BBA LLB course shall admit more than 60 students in one division. The University shall reserve the right to prescribe the number of divisions in each Law College or the Department of Studies in Law.
For detailed information about Ramaiah Institute Of Legal Studies contact +91-9743277777.
To know more about the Admission Process in Ramaiah Institute of Legal Studies call us at +91-9513999525