Interested students mostly look for Ramaiah Institute of Management Studies Ranking status to understand the current position of the institution in the industry.Ranking status manifests the overall impact of the institution in the development of the community.Since the time of its inception, RIMS has been tirelessly mobilizing all its resources to offer the best quality management education to the community.The overall ratings and rankings of the institute are based on research & surveys conducted by various magazines & education research centers.
RIMS Bangalore Ranking
- Ranked 61 across India and an impressive 17th position in the South zone among the top 100 private B-Schools, as per the esteemed IIRF 2022 rankings.
- One of the Top 10 Colleges Providing Business Analytics Program, CEO Insights 2022
- RIMS has received the best Business School Project Award 2019 by the Business Standard.
- According to the Week Magazine Survey 2018, RIMS is the 15th best business school in Bangalore, 56th best business school in South Zone and the 148th best business school in all over India.
- RIMS Ranking states that the institution has been honoured, with the Best Institute with Innovation In Skill Development Award in the eve of the National Education Awards 2018 ceremony.
- According to the Dalal Street Investment Journal Survey 2018, RIMS has been recognized, as the 75th best business school out of the top 100 business schools in India.
- ‘RIMS’holds the pride of being the first and only business school in India to have internationally recognized accreditations by Council for Higher Education Accreditation, (CHEA), USA for its PGDM and MBA programs.These accreditations are commended and grated by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), USA and the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE), USA.
- Business India Magazine Survey 2016 has ranked RIMS with A++ grade.
- According to the Business Today Magazine Survey 2014, RIMS is the 102nd best business school in India.
- The institution has won two Awards of Distinction at the National Quality Education Conference, of the American Society for Quality, respectively in the year 2010 and 2011.
- The institution has been decorated, with the Education Leader Award and Teaching Excellence Award for Asia in the year 2012
All these awards have a strong influence over the successful sessions of Ramaiah Institute of Management Studies Placements.
The students and faculty members of the institution actively participate in several conferences, seminars, competitions, workshops, debates of national and international reputations. They have won numerous awards and appreciations from the critics and judges of the educational ecosystem.
This information is given as per the account in education institute research, by comparing and rating the institute, development programs, faculty education, entrepreneurshipguidance, campus facilities, placement practices& other service provided by the college.
For more detailed information regarding RIMS Bangalore Admissions contact IES Online.