Ramaiah Bangalore Admissions welcome management aspirants all over India and abroad.The institution receives thousand of application every year for its multiple management courses.A separate admission department is responsible for all kinds of admission related activities of the institution.Whether it is admission promotion, or scrutinizing the applications, or short-listing the candidates or, arranging the selection process, the admission department is accountable for all these activities.The final selection decisions, of the candidates, taken by the department, are absolute.
RIMS Admissions’ Procedure is divided, into two distinct processes, the eligibility criteria check and the selection process.The eligibility criteria for all management programs are similar.The selection process consists of the personal interview sessions, group discussions and counseling.Short-listed candidates need to go through the entire procedure determined for them.
Students, willing to join RIMS, needs to abide by the admission stipulated rules and regulations. Admission staffs are experienced and skilled in dealing with all kind of student-related confusions. The department also helps the students and their guardians to understand the Ramaiah Institute of Management Studies Fees Structure.
The selection procedure for Ramaiah Admission is based, on some parameters.They are-
Selection Process Marks Weightage | |
Particulars | Related Percentage Weight |
X Standard Marks | 7.5% |
XII Standard Marks | 7.5% |
Graduation Marks | 20% |
Work Experience | 5% |
Post Graduation | 5% |
Aptitude Test Score | 10% |
Presentation Round | 15% |
Essay Round | 15% |
Personal Interview Round | 15% |
Total | 100% |
To know more about the Admission Process in RIMS Bangalore call us at +91-9743277777